Directory Structure
Assume that ~/nos3/ contains the repository locally in the VM.
├── ~/nos3/
| ├── /fsw
| | ├── /apps
| | ├── /build
| | ├── /cfe
| | ├── /components
| | ├── /nos3_defs
| | ├── /osal
| | ├── /psp
| | ├── /tools
| ├── /gsw
| | ├── /ait
| | ├── /cosmos
| | ├── /OrbitInviewPowerPrediction
| | ├── /scripts
| ├── /deployment
| | ├── /ansible
| | ├── /nos3_filestore
| | | ├── /backgrounds
| | | ├── /packages
| | ├── Vagrantfile
| ├── /sims
| ├── .gitignore
| ├── .gitmodules
| ├── Makefile
| └──
An overview of what each of these does:
File / Directory | Description |
Contains the repository locally in the VM. |
The open source cFS apps. |
The unarchived build directory. |
The core flight system (cFS) source files. |
cFS app support for flight hardware. |
Common definitions for cFS-based missions when building in NOS3. |
Operating system abstraction layer (OSAL), enables building for multiple flight OS. |
Platform support package (PSP), enables use on multiple types of boards. |
Standard cFS provided tools. |
All the files needed for ground stations and installation. |
AIT configuration files. |
COSMOS database files. |
OIPP tool for operators. |
Build and installation scripts. |
Installation scripts. |
VM wallpaper. |
Installation packages. |
Main provisioner file used to generate the VM. |
Source code for simulated hardware components. |
List of files and directories to be omitted from git. |
List of git submodules utilized. |
Top level makefile to be used for the build directory. |
Basic information contained within this Guide and about the nos3 repository. |