Directory Structure

Assume that ~/nos3/ contains the repository locally in the VM.


├── ~/nos3/

|   ├── /fsw

|   |   ├── /apps

|   |   ├── /build

|   |   ├── /cfe

|   |   ├── /components

|   |   ├── /nos3_defs

|   |   ├── /osal

|   |   ├── /psp

|   |   ├── /tools

|   ├── /gsw

|   |   ├── /ait

|   |   ├── /cosmos

|   |   ├── /OrbitInviewPowerPrediction

|   |   ├── /scripts

|   ├── /deployment

|   |   ├── /ansible

|   |   ├── /nos3_filestore

|   |   |   ├── /backgrounds

|   |   |   ├── /packages

|   |   ├── Vagrantfile

|   ├── /sims

|   ├── .gitignore

|   ├── .gitmodules

|   ├── Makefile

|   └──


An overview of what each of these does:

File / DirectoryDescription


Contains the repository locally in the VM.


The open source cFS apps.


The unarchived build directory.


The core flight system (cFS) source files.


cFS app support for flight hardware.


Common definitions for cFS-based missions when building in NOS3.


Operating system abstraction layer (OSAL), enables building for multiple flight OS.


Platform support package (PSP), enables use on multiple types of boards.


Standard cFS provided tools.


All the files needed for ground stations and installation.


AIT configuration files.


COSMOS database files.


OIPP tool for operators.


Build and installation scripts.


Installation scripts.


VM wallpaper.


Installation packages.


Main provisioner file used to generate the VM.


Source code for simulated hardware components.


List of files and directories to be omitted from git.


List of git submodules utilized.


Top level makefile to be used for the build directory.

Basic information contained within this Guide and about the nos3 repository.