File Path:

nos3/support/cosmos - The folders in that path get copied over the default cosmos installation when the NOS3 VM gets created.

COSMOS Ground System

COSMOS is open source provided via Ball Aerospace and is included with NOS3 to provide a ground station to the simulated spacecraft. The telemetry and commands from cFS can be streamed in real-time. One limitation is that data rate throttling is not currently supported.


This link to COSMOS is able to be completed thanks to two applications included in cFS. These are the command ingest (CI_Lab) and telemetry output (TO_Lab). The reason they are lab apps is due to the fact that they utilize UDP to communicate. The TO link is closed by default on start-up, but can be activated using a specific command packet. This is done by using the Command Sender tool in COSMOS. A special target was created named ‘NOS3’ with a single command to ‘ENABLE_TELEMETRY’. Once sent, the TO_Lab app will reply stating that telemetry is enabled. This is demonstrated in the screenshot below. It should be noted that only telemetry listed in the ‘to_lab_sub_table.h’ will be captured. Additional telemetry can be appended as necessary


All communications to, from, and internal to cFS are formatted using the CCSDS standard packet type with the secondary header enabled. This secondary header allows the specific command to be passed to the application specified in the primary header. COSMOS requires knowledge of these commands and telemetry structures to be able to construct and interpret them as needed. An example is provided below: