Getting Started

The following sections describe how to install, build and run NOS3 on your host computer.

Installing NOS3

On the host computer:

  1. Install Oracle VirtualBox:
  2. Install Vagtant:
  3. Acquire the nos3 release
  4. Open a terminal
  5. Navigate to the desired location for the repository
  6. Clone the repository
  7. Navigate to /nos/support
  8. Run vagrant up and wait to return to a prompt

Once completed, allow the installer to finish its work. Be patient: 30mins - 1hr to complete

  1. Run vagrant reload and wait for the VM to restart
  2. Login to the nos3 user using the password nos3123!and get to work!
  3. VM Complete
Internet Access

IMPORTANT: Internet access is required when running. Also, please do NOT use the virtual machine until the installation process is complete.

Building Nos3

Log in to the NOS3 VM: nos3 / nos3123!

  1. Double click “
  2. A terminal window will come up and build the simulator and flight software (this will take quite a few minutes)
  3. Build Sim

Running Nos3

Log in to the NOS3 VM: nos3 / nos3123!

  1. Double click “”. The following software will start up:
    1. NOS Engine Standalone Server (1 terminal window)
    2. 42 Dynamic Simulator (1 terminal window, 1 GUI window with CubeSat, 1 GUI window with map)
    3. COSMOS (GUI windows for Legal Agreement, COSMOS Command and Telemetry Server - STF1 Configuration, Command Sender, Launcher)
    4. Simulators (1 terminal window with a tab for each simulator, including the NOS Time Driver and the Simulator Terminal)
    5. STF1 Flight Software (1 terminal window)
    NOS3 run complete

"NOS3 Flight Software" is the last component to startup.

  1. To stop all NOS3 software, double click "".