Directory Structure

In both CentOS and Ubuntu, scripts are located on the desktop that enable the user to easily work:

  • - Build FSW and simulators
  • - Launch the ground station, FSW, and simulators
  • - Safely stop all components
├── ~/nos3/
|   ├── /apps
|   ├── /cfe
|   ├── /components
|   ├── /nasa_defs
|   ├── /osal
|   ├── /psp
|   ├── /sims
|   ├── /support
|   |   ├── /VirtualMachine
|   |   ├── /cosmos
|   |   ├── /installers
|   |   ├── /packages
|   |   ├── vagrantfile
|   ├── /tools
|   ├── .gitignore
|   ├── CMakeLists.txt
|   └──

An overview of what each of these does:

File / DirectoryDescription


Contains the repository at the time of the build locally in the VM.


The open source cFS apps.


The core flight system (cFS) source files.


Hardware Specific Applications, and Device Driver Libraries for CFS


Mission Definition Files, Mission Tables, Build Targets, and Toolchain files


Operating system abstraction layer (OSAL), enables building for linux and flight OS.


Platform support package (PSP), enables use on multiple types of boards.


Software Simulators of Hardware components


All the files needed for ground stations, ION, and installation.


Files directly related to the VM, such as desktop scripts and launchers.


COSMOS database files.


Installation scripts.


Installation packages.


Main provisioner file used to generate the VM.


Standard cFS provided tools.


List of files and directories to be ommitted from git.


Top level cmake file to be used from inside the build directory.

This file.