Initial Weigh-In

The STF-1 team has received all the core components from the various vendors.  These include the chassis and radio from ISISpace, power system from ClydeSpace, radio from L3, and flight computer from GomSpace.  All of these have been inspected and weighed in because weight is a major concern with something so small.  NASA and all launch service providers like to keep the weight as low as possible so that it is easier and cheaper to get everything into space.


The GomSpace flight computer with motherboard is pictured above.  This little board is about the size of a credit card and will do all the processing including running our operating system, Free Real Time Operating System (FreeRTOS), and the Core Flight System (cFS) with all our applications to collect and process science data.  This isn’t the only computer on-board, but any data that we want on the ground will have to pass through this one!